Active Listings

Active ListingsĀ  Chandler Park Village Condos For Sale

You will find all Active ListingsĀ  Chandler Park Village Condos For Sale. If it is on the market in Chandler Park Village, Sherman Oaks you will find it here. If the search comes back “zero listings found” then there just isn’t anything on the market at the time. If you don’t find what you are looking for then come back later you never know when a new listing will hit the market OR sign up for “Listing Alerts” and I will let you know when a new listing in Chandler Park Village hits the MLS. Chandler Park Village has three addresses 5420 Sylmar Ave, 5455 Sylmar Ave and 14347 Albers Street. All active listings and pending listings are below. Let me know if you have any questions or would like to view any of the units.